living room of home

Tips for Maintaining the Beauty of Your Residential Repaint: Advice from PaintPro

Investing in a fresh coat of interior paint can transform your home, bringing new life and vibrancy to your living spaces. However, the longevity of that freshly painted look depends on proper maintenance. At PaintPro in Austin, Texas, we understand the importance of preserving the beauty of your residential repaint. In this blog, we will …

Painter holding roller paintbrush with paint supplies in the background

The PaintPro Process

A lot of people think that Interior Painting is a difficult and time-consuming project. However, with our Interior Painting process, it has never been easier! Our interior painters always follow a set of strict rules while they work inside your home. In order to obtain professional consistent outcomes every time, we insist on following specific …

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How to Choose the Right Colors for Your Kitchen Cabinets

Premium Cabinet Painting in Austin Upgrade Your Cabinets With PaintPro The kitchen is the beating heart of your home, always buzzing with activity, preparing meals for your family, and entertaining guests. Just as any person wants to take care of their heart, you want to ensure that your kitchen is a lively, vibrant, and comfortable …